Tree - AVL Tree

by Aaron • 10/26/2022, 8:51:42 AM


      /      \
left node   right node

what problem does AVL tree solve

The cost of operations(Search, delete …) may become O(n) for a skewed BST


If we make sure that the height of the tree remains O(log(n)) after every insertion and deletion, then we can guarantee an upper bound of O(log(n)) for all these operations. The height of an AVL tree is always O(log(n)) where n is the number of nodes in the tree.

-2 < height(left) - height(right) < 2

      A   <- skew(A) = 1 - 3 = -2  (skewed BST)                   
   /      \ 
 B           C    <- skew(C) = 1 - 2 = -1 
          /    \      
         D      E
                   "F" <- new insertion
How to re-balancing the BST?  left rotate

         C  <- skew(C) = 2 - 2 = 0
      /     \
    A        E
  /   \       \
B      D       F

before: B, A, D, C, E, F
After: B, A, D, C, E, F

Case 2:

      A   <- skew(A) = 1 - 3 = -2  (skewed BST)                   
   /      \ 
 B           C    <- skew(C) = 1 - 2 = 1
          /    \      
         D      E
      "F" <- new insertion
How to re-balancing the BST?  

step1: rotateRight(C)

   /      \ 
 B           D  
          /    \      
         F      C
step2: rotateLeft(A)

         D  <- skew(C) = 2 - 2 = 0
      /     \
    A        C
  /   \       \
B      F       E

before: B, A, F, D, C, E
After: B, A, F, D, C, E


BuildAVL(root, value)

func BuildAVL(root *Node, value int) *Node {
    	if root == nil {
    		return &Node{value: value, size: 1} // place node to the leaf

	if value > root.value {
    		root.right = BuildAVL(root.right, value)
		root.right.parent = root

	if value < root.value {
    		root.left = BuildAVL(root.left, value)
		root.left.parent = root
    // calculate the height of the root
	root.size = 1 + util.Max(height(root.right), height(root.left))
    // re-balancing the tree, and return the new root
	return root.balancing()


func (node *Node) balancing() *Node {
    	skew := node.skew()
    // still balance
	if skew < 2 && skew > -2 {
    		return node
	// right left rotate
	if skew == -2 && node.right.skew() == 1 {
    		node.right = node.right.rotateRight()
		return node.rotateLeft()

	// left rotate
	if skew == -2 && node.right.skew() == -1 {
    		return node.rotateLeft()

	// right rotate
	if skew == 2 && node.left.skew() == 1 {
    		return node.rotateRight()

	// left  right rotate
	if skew == 2 && node.left.skew() == -1 {
    		node.left = node.left.rotateLeft()
		return node.rotateRight()

	return node


      A  <- height = 4
   /      \ 
 B           C <- height = 3
          /    \      
  h:1 -> D      E <- height = 2
                   "F" <- <- height = 1
                     C   <- height = 3
                  /     \
height = 2 ->    A        E  <- height = 2
               /   \       \
             B      D       F
we only need to update the node and its parent till reach the root

func (node *Node) updating() {
    	if node == nil {

	node.size = 1 + util.Max(height(node.right), height(node.left))
	if node.parent != nil {


// skew(node): height(node.left) - height(node.right) => {-1, 0, +1}
func (node *Node) skew() int {
    	return height(node.left) - height(node.right)


func (node *Node) rotateLeft() *Node {
    	newRoot := node.right
	children := newRoot.left

	node.right = children
	newRoot.left = node

	newRoot.parent = node.parent
	if children != nil {
    		children.parent = node

	node.parent = newRoot


	return newRoot


func (node *Node) rotateRight() *Node {
    	newRoot := node.left
	children := newRoot.right

	node.left = children
	newRoot.right = node

	newRoot.parent = node.parent
	if children != nil {
    		children.parent = node
	node.parent = newRoot

	return newRoot

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